[波士頓慈濟 歲末祝福感恩會]
時間:1/18/2025 (六) 2:30-4:30 pm
地點:15 Summer Street, Newtown, MA 02464
我們來人間就要有價值,價值就是為人間付出,生生世世「為佛教,為眾生」。證嚴上人五十多年堅持這一念心,希望更多人能得到善的法,投入這條菩薩大道。 慈濟力行佛陀教育,「竹筒歲月」一路走來,從五毛錢起家,走入慈善與義診,幫助社會上苦難的角落。時至今日,我們仍保持初發心,慈善腳步始終如一,並將這分愛普及國際。如今慈善腳步已遍及全球一百二十八個國家地區。 全球慈濟人均奉行證嚴法師之教誨,以「佛法生活化,菩薩人間化」為志業,在五濁惡世的時代更要發大心立大願,廣布善種子,以慈悲心行善利他,以智慧心自度度人,讓「善緣齊聚祥雲現,甘露法雨潤心田」。
活動當天,將播放全球大藏經及波士頓當地的活動足跡,與會嘉賓將共同見證2024年在世界各個角落慈濟人的善行身影。另有梵唄, 手語,話劇,點燈祈福,領受福慧紅包,唱誦祈禱等。會後將有祈福點心與會眾結緣。
[Tzu Chi Boston Collection of Children Winter Coats or Jackets]
- Deadline : Now through 11/24/2024
- Size : 2T to 16 (New & Very Gently Used / Details : Please call 617-762-0569)
- Drop off location : TCAB School Hours or Tzu Chi Boston Service Center
歡迎加入我們,了解更多志工活動,並結交新朋友! RSVP: https://forms.gle/apciZmaxjXSUfMfc6
活動時間:2024年11月2日(週六)上午10:00 - 11:30
地點:#6, 620 Mass. Ave. Cambridge 02139 慈濟基金會波士頓 劍橋外展中心
歡迎加入我們,了解更多志工活動,並結交新朋友! RSVP: https://forms.gle/apciZmaxjXSUfMfc6
活動時間:2024年11月2日(週六)上午10:00 - 11:30
地點:#6, 620 Mass. Ave. Cambridge 02139 慈濟基金會波士頓 劍橋外展中心
[Welcome back to school month]
我們很高興地宣布,慈濟劍橋推廣中心歡迎所有大家前來! 只要帶上你的學生證,就可以領取一個特別的禮包。
We are thrilled to announce that the Tzu Chi Cambridge Outreach Center is now welcoming all especially students! Bring your student ID and receive a special goody bag as our way of saying thank you for being part of our community.
Come join us, meet new friends, and learn more about how we can make a positive impact together. We can't wait to see you!
我們很高興地宣布,慈濟劍橋推廣中心歡迎所有大家前來! 只要帶上你的學生證,就可以領取一個特別的禮包。
We are thrilled to announce that the Tzu Chi Cambridge Outreach Center is now welcoming all especially students! Bring your student ID and receive a special goody bag as our way of saying thank you for being part of our community.
Come join us, meet new friends, and learn more about how we can make a positive impact together. We can't wait to see you!
- 地點 Location:#6, 620 Mass. Ave. Cambridge 02139 (Ring the bell when you arrive!)
- 時間 Time:Mon and Wed 11 AM~2PM
[2024 浴佛節]
今年有莊嚴的浴佛大典,11:00 典禮後有素食及茶點和大家分享。
慈濟紐約分會波士頓聯絡處 合十
Dear Friends,
The Tzu Chi Boston Service Center will hold a celebration of “BathingBuddhaDay, MothersDay, and GlobalTzuChiDay” on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the Newton Center, and we cordially invite your family members to come and join us.
This year, we will hold a Buddha Bathing Ceremony, followed by a vegetarian meal demonstration, a tea ceremony for parents, and an environmental awareness demonstration, and we invite you to participate!
We look forward to you joining us for a meaningful day together. Gan-en!
Sincerely yours,
Tzu Chi Boston Service
今年有莊嚴的浴佛大典,11:00 典禮後有素食及茶點和大家分享。
慈濟紐約分會波士頓聯絡處 合十
Dear Friends,
The Tzu Chi Boston Service Center will hold a celebration of “BathingBuddhaDay, MothersDay, and GlobalTzuChiDay” on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the Newton Center, and we cordially invite your family members to come and join us.
This year, we will hold a Buddha Bathing Ceremony, followed by a vegetarian meal demonstration, a tea ceremony for parents, and an environmental awareness demonstration, and we invite you to participate!
We look forward to you joining us for a meaningful day together. Gan-en!
Sincerely yours,
Tzu Chi Boston Service
- 時間 Time: Sun, May 12, 2024, 10AM - 12AM
- 地點 Location: 15 Summer Street, Newton, MA 02464
- 電話 Tel: 617-762-0569
[2024 歲末祝福感恩會]
時值歲末,慈濟波士頓聯絡處將在2/3/2024, 星期六下午兩點,於牛頓會所 (15 Summer Street, Newton, MA 02464) 舉行一年一度社區的「歲末祝福感恩會」。
慈濟力行佛陀教育,從「竹筒歲月」一路走來,如今慈善腳步已遍及全球一百二十八個國家地區。 全球慈濟人奉行證嚴法師之教誨,以「佛法生活化,菩薩人間化」為志業,在五濁惡世的時代更要發大心立大願,廣布善種子,以慈悲心行善利他,以智慧心自度度人,讓「善緣齊聚祥雲現,甘露法雨潤心田」。
活動當天,將播放全球大藏經,與會嘉賓將共同見證2023年在世界各個角落慈濟人的善行身影。另有經藏演繹話劇及手語表演,點燈祈福,領受福慧紅包,唱誦祈禱等。會後將有祈福點心與會眾結緣。如您對此活動有任何問題,請致電617-762-0569 或電子信箱[email protected] .
波士頓全體慈濟人 合十敬邀 🙏
We cordially invite you to the Tzu Chi Boston 2023 Year-End Blessing Ceremony! The event will take place on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at 2PM at the Tzu Chi office, located at 15 Summer Street, Newton, MA 02464.
We sincerely hope that you can join us to share in this joyful moment, reflect on everything we have done in 2023, express gratitude for the continuous support of Tzu Chi volunteers, and offer blessings for the future. This year's theme for the year-end blessing is 'Spreading the Dharma, Benefiting All Beings, Practicing Vegetarianism to Protect the Earth.' While the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually easing, natural disasters and human suffering continue globally. We encourage everyone to observe a vegetarian diet, control desires and greed, and cultivate positive relationships with all beings. Only with open hearts, pure thoughts, respect for nature, and kindness towards all living beings can we achieve harmony and increase blessings while reducing disasters. Tzu Chi actively promotes Buddhist education, and from the days of 'Bamboo Banks' until now, its charitable activities have expanded to 128 countries and regions worldwide. During the event, we will broadcast the global sutra chanting, and guests will witness the acts of kindness by Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide in 2023. There will be performances, prayers, blessed red envelopes, goodies bags for the audience and more.
If you have any questions about this event, please call 617-762-0569 or email [email protected].
Let our compassionate hearts and positive thoughts resonate together, praying for the purification of hearts, social harmony, and a world without disasters!
Tzu Chi Boston🙏
時值歲末,慈濟波士頓聯絡處將在2/3/2024, 星期六下午兩點,於牛頓會所 (15 Summer Street, Newton, MA 02464) 舉行一年一度社區的「歲末祝福感恩會」。
慈濟力行佛陀教育,從「竹筒歲月」一路走來,如今慈善腳步已遍及全球一百二十八個國家地區。 全球慈濟人奉行證嚴法師之教誨,以「佛法生活化,菩薩人間化」為志業,在五濁惡世的時代更要發大心立大願,廣布善種子,以慈悲心行善利他,以智慧心自度度人,讓「善緣齊聚祥雲現,甘露法雨潤心田」。
活動當天,將播放全球大藏經,與會嘉賓將共同見證2023年在世界各個角落慈濟人的善行身影。另有經藏演繹話劇及手語表演,點燈祈福,領受福慧紅包,唱誦祈禱等。會後將有祈福點心與會眾結緣。如您對此活動有任何問題,請致電617-762-0569 或電子信箱[email protected] .
波士頓全體慈濟人 合十敬邀 🙏
We cordially invite you to the Tzu Chi Boston 2023 Year-End Blessing Ceremony! The event will take place on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at 2PM at the Tzu Chi office, located at 15 Summer Street, Newton, MA 02464.
We sincerely hope that you can join us to share in this joyful moment, reflect on everything we have done in 2023, express gratitude for the continuous support of Tzu Chi volunteers, and offer blessings for the future. This year's theme for the year-end blessing is 'Spreading the Dharma, Benefiting All Beings, Practicing Vegetarianism to Protect the Earth.' While the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually easing, natural disasters and human suffering continue globally. We encourage everyone to observe a vegetarian diet, control desires and greed, and cultivate positive relationships with all beings. Only with open hearts, pure thoughts, respect for nature, and kindness towards all living beings can we achieve harmony and increase blessings while reducing disasters. Tzu Chi actively promotes Buddhist education, and from the days of 'Bamboo Banks' until now, its charitable activities have expanded to 128 countries and regions worldwide. During the event, we will broadcast the global sutra chanting, and guests will witness the acts of kindness by Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide in 2023. There will be performances, prayers, blessed red envelopes, goodies bags for the audience and more.
If you have any questions about this event, please call 617-762-0569 or email [email protected].
Let our compassionate hearts and positive thoughts resonate together, praying for the purification of hearts, social harmony, and a world without disasters!
Tzu Chi Boston🙏

15 Summer St., Newton, MA 02464 +1(617)762-0569 [email protected] 波士頓社區服務站: 65 Harrison Av. #505 Boston, MA. 20111 |
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